Riftaria's Calendar

The Author: well, I see you come bearing curiosity for the history of Riftaria and an understanding of its temporal workings. Well, we better set you off right with an understanding that Riftaria exists outside of time, and its calendars and timings are based upon the colouration, vibrations, flow, and overall state of the universal void it resides in, and the patterns and flow that it forms, resulting in what one may refer to as "seasons" as the people of Earth called Humans refer to them, and as you are likely a Human, I shall continue using your native tongue to make this easier than thutathiram for us both. Oh, did that word not translate? I suppose I'll have to do so manually: it is Zukartian, a language lost to time, reborn only within Riftaria, and my mind. "Thutathiram" means "pulling teeth from predators", in essence. I suppose magic will always have its limits in this world you are reading this from, so if you ever see a word coded in blue such as that, assume the magic has merely been unable to properly translate it, though do please use context clues to figure it out, and if you've seen it before, perhaps you know what it means. Though that all said, I doubt there will be many instances of this happening. Where was I? Oh yes, the months and seasons of Riftaria and the temporal workings of it. So, to begin, a full day/night cycle is nonexistent in Riftaria, it is merely a dull glow of the Universal Energies at all times, however there is a number of hours per month in Riftaria as the many forms of energy surrounding it change to make months and seasons. So, to begin, we will list the months in order, and how many hours they are in earth time (you should count yourself lucky that earth clocks still work here)

for date formatting you will see things like "Savim, RY-8, 265:30" and these denote the time in Riftaria the event occurred. Savim being the month as detailed below, RY-8 meaning "Riftaria Year 8" (though if it is negative it will say "PR-#" to stand for "Pre-Riftaria"), and 265:30 meaning the hour and minutes (out of 60 in an hour from the Earth Clocks) into the month.

Full Year, or Cotholama

Total Earth Hours: 10,248 - Earth Days: 427 exactly

Total Earth Hours: 10,248 - Earth Days: 427 exactly

Earth Sync Date: Year 0 Earth Time - Year 2, Month Carish, Hour 360:00

this is a sync date for Earth that can be used to calculate and convert Riftarian time to Earth time.

Underworld Sync Date: Year 6,784, Farashi, Hour 0 HellStira - Year 0, Month Savim, Hour 0:00

this is a sync date for the Underworld's time system, HellStira, which consists of 666 days in a year, all 69 hours each, totaling 45,954 Hours, and The Underworld has 3 months, and no seasons, all equally divided through their year with 15,318 hours each. The first is Farashi or "Grand Flame", the second of which is Shamara or "Smoldering Ash", and the third of which is Tiklesa, or "Tinderbox"

Season Visha

this is a time of cold dullness, when the many forms of Universal Energy that Riftaria floats within has exhausted themselves from Season Extirama's explosive energy and vivid colours and Temporal Lightning, when the doors to Riftaria are sealed to all those who do not possess the magical energy required to rip them open, or the knowledge of ones that are ever-open, such as those hidden in the bases of grand evergreens, powered by their ever-living display of life and greenery.


Total Hours: 443

the Temporal Energy flows in ever growing and ever crushing fractals that resemble snowflakes, growing and then breaking apart under the weight of their crystals, the sky is bathed in a milky white, with hints of grey left behind from month Hixina's steel. Most residents of Riftaria elect to stay indoors during this time, as the air tends to be much colder during Season Visha, due to the Temporal Energy being expended and the other forms of energy following suit and slowing their vibrations as the hum of the universe grows rather quiet during Season Visha. Savim is a time of rest, recharging, and hibernation for many, with some opting to even leave Riftaria.


Total Hours: 616

the fractals are still there and the milky white has turned to a slightly off white colour, resembling that of sand, with the faded steel still there but ebbing away with the tides of the fractals. Month Vanis is when residents of Riftaria begin to venture outside more often again as the Void Energy starts to hum and vibrate slightly more with the tides of the universe, though barely so, and only those who enjoy the cold will typically leave their house during this month. It is a time of much intimacy, often resulting in Riftaria feeling charged, as if there's an electricity in the air, made from emotions.

Season Tavam

this is where the Temporal Energy begins to slowly ebb and flow, no longer trapped in frozen fractals, and chilly dancing collapses, and it begins to colour itself rightly, and the Void Energy begins to glow with the hum of the universe, giving light to the colours of the Temporal Energy, the overall flow of which turning to waves that stick until Season Divixi turns them to rapids. This is a time of relaxation, rebirth, growth, and general existence in Riftaria, and also the longest season it has to offer.


Total Hours: 842

this month is when the Temporal Energy's fractals are now replaced with gentle waves, ones that stick with us for months to come. The colour has turned to a dull Burnt Orange, and the Void energy begins to vibrate out a slow gentle light and warmth, like the rising of a new day paired with the Temporal Energy's growing colour. This is when the farmers begin to hire others to help them plant for the year, offering many things in payment, but as Riftaria has no currency, nor does it need one, they offer tokens of esteem, or tickets to access a competition of theirs, many different things that are designed to entice and attract others to aid them. These gifts and invitations have been extremely extravagant in some years, some farmers even going so far as to give people Tufsas, one of the most rare kinds of items on Riftaria, and prized for their beauty, formed from Temporal Lightning itself. this is when many proposals of everlasting love are begun, to begin new eras in their lives, I believe Humans call this "marriage" or perhaps "promise rings" depending.


Total Hours: 903

this month is where the Void Energy encourages growth, change, and even love for those willing to open their hearts to its soothing vibrations, which can now be felt by almost all beings due to their growing intensity and general parity with the vocalisations of beings from some Realms. The Temporal Energy's energy colour turns to that of A Loving Crimson, one that may be seen on the humans' "valentine's day" as they call it. It is a time of openness, and caring amongst all of Riftaria, when even the cynics believe they may receive kindness, and the rest of Riftaria takes great pleasure in proving that correct, even going so far as to creating a "wall of loved cynics", a wall filled with photos of those who have been made to smile and appreciate the kindness of those residing in Riftaria, typically taken at the moment of success for the resident. Those who caused this are often given small gifts to aid them in making more cynics smile, and typically the one they have made smile will give them a gift of esteem and trust, to show that the cynic trusts them even outside this month, such trinkets have been as varied as even The Flaming Sword from common Christian mythology, to something as simple as a Riftaria Rosari, a flower resembling a rose, spiky and eternal, that never dies so long as it is within Riftaria.


Total Hours: 727

The month Vakana is when things start truly warming up and leveling off around halfway through the month as the Void Energy begins to vibrate more, further increasing their heat to temperatures around 295 Kariis, oh, though I do believe humans call it "Kelvin"? though for the universal energies surrounding Riftaria, Kariis are not only their temperature, but also directly correlated to their vibrational frequency, and I'm unsure if Kelvin is the same. I am very sure Humans measure the vibrational frequency in "Hertz" though. That said, the sky changes from the crimson of Month Peles, to a Rather Bright Pink, one that soaks the island in peace, and accentuates the year-round blossoms of the Cherry Trees that were imported from various Human Monks who found doorways to Riftaria in their Monasteries all those years ago, and brought seeds as gifts of new life, and living symbols of peace and unity. the plateau the Riftarian Archives rests at the edge of is home to the oldest and largest of these cherry trees, having evolved and been warped by the Temporal Lightning from so many years of Season Extirama's explosiveness that it glows with an otherworldly light, its roots growing as far as down to side Bavi, all the way through Riftaria, and beginning to grow another counterpart upon that side. I still remember that odd word Odin spoke when he saw it, what was it? yigg drag sill? regardless, it filled his eyes with glee.


Total Hours: 423

Month Ilisari is when the Temporal Energy changes colours to a Bright Blue, and many rainstorms come in, raining down water with diluted Cosmic Energy in it, which is often collected by many Celestial beings for fuel for their powers, and is a time when a great many beings flock to Riftaria, as the energy fills them up, and also gives power to the repair technology in Riftaria, repairing every building in sight, and allowing the celestials we welcome here to make Riftaria larger, a continual exchange of goods that has kept Riftaria ever growing for so long. It is also this time when the crops begin to flourish, the rain also carrying Temporal Energy that accelerates their growth, readying them for harvest typically by the end of Ilisari, sometimes shortly into Yumbara.


Total Hours: 240

By this time the sky turns a lighter shade of Calming Teal, and by the end of the month, all of the fields in which crops grew are now empty and the storage for goods are full. The people of Riftaria often prepare and host many feasts, grand and ornate, filled with revelry and consumption in the short 240 hours of this month. it is often but a taste of what comes in Season Divixi. It's a glorious month filled with much joy, and one where Riftaria feels as if it's abuzz with people, happenings, and energy.


Total Hours: 394

Alcel, a time when the sky turns to that of Seafoam, the Temporal Energy waves begin to speed up, and harshen. it is nearly completely a month for trade, and travel, with many coming and going through the many doors to Riftaria, that some realms such as Earth even begin to question the influx and outflux of people in relation to Riftaria. one common event I so often hear mentioned is a "ren fair", I believe it is called, and many of Riftaria go there in their most fashionable clothing, some even dressing as beings otherworldly, and yet, never have I heard of them being told they're out of place. it is a time when many of the hotels and inns on Riftaria are full, and many houses are rented out at nearly inconsequentially small amounts of gold or precious gems or other very barterable items for travellers to trade in while its inhabitants are away, of course, with a portioned value of the profits being given to the owners.

Season Divixi

this is when the Temporal Energy surrounding Riftaria starts to flow in rapid spirals, eddies and currents resembling that of tidal waves, rapid flowing rivers, and it dances with the whims of the universe, sometimes forming shapes, words, and even messages for fleeting moments, ones only understood by chroniclers of wisdom such as Daxira, The Author, and others, as they are the whispers of the universe's flow and secrets, shown in the Temporal Energy and pure Void Energy for those wise enough, or insane enough to understand them and see them. it is a time of wonder and excitement accompanied by many festivals thrown by the people of Riftaria, and the time when the doors to the rest of existence begin to burn brightly, welcoming anyone with a keen enough eye to spot them.


Total Hours: 743

Dalixi is a time of joy and happiness, as well as showing off under the harsh rapids and swirls of Golden Temporal Energy flowing over Riftaria, a time of beauty and dancing, and wonder, when many festivals are thrown with newly purchased or traded jewelry, clothes, and other objects acquired in month Alcel covering the bodies of those participating, as well as the surroundings they are in. The farmers often happily open their arms and fields for the partying that occurs, with the only cost they take being free access to the bounties of food that are brought, and some good company on occasion. Many people from the more "divine" realms flock to Riftaria during month Dalixi, as the golden light so often reminds them of home, and I've heard tales of near countless gods and goddesses, demigods and demigoddesses, and other divine beings coming here in month Dalixi, only to never again leave, as the most unlikely mortal, gilded in the most discordantly beautiful attire stole their heart, only to marry in Month Carish of the following year, a bond none of these divine beings break due to their nature. Yet, I've heard of many of these couplings also leaving in the following year during Month Alcel, oftentimes to the divine being's home, and yet all too often returning halfway through, as the will of their unexpected love is never weak.


Total Hours: 962

It is during Glisam that the rapids begin to accelerate, and leave the patterns leftover from Season Tavam's gentle waves. the loss of patterns though merely makes the messages hidden within all the more clear on the beautiful Dark Amber background, ever reminiscent of fall on Earth. Glisam is a time of relaxation, and family gatherings, a time for many to gather those they love and trust, often bringing out even the cynics to those who earned marks of their trust back in Peles, and managed to retain said trust. Often the homes of the hosts are coated in bartered items from Alcel, and these parties and gatherings pass time admiring them, or for some, gawking at them. Unfortunately bad blood does surface at times, but such is life, and I smooth things over typically with no fuss.


Total Hours: 203

During Zari many begin to stay indoors, as the vibrations of the void Energy begin to emit a low humming sound as they vibrate, generating a lot of heat and bright light, making the Deep Burgundy Temporal Energy begin to glow brighter. Some elect to leave due to the noise or lack of ability to properly sleep. Unfortunately it has also been the cause of the mental unmooring of many on the edge, many of whom are now lost to us. Alas Riftaria is not perfect, and yet we now have a special mental health facility where many volunteer to help out. soundproof at that, and with dark rooms as well. and another building with those special features, that is open to all who want it.


Total Hours: 943

During Wiltsi the world

Season Extirama

this is a season where the rapids and flow of Season Divixi begin to turn to explosions, a time when the energy within the rapids begins to slosh and splash and flash and crash and explode outward towards Riftaria in grand jolts of Temporal Lightning which strikes the attractors upon The Riftarian Archives, the largest library in existence, the energy forming new books from thin air, dragged in from all time, and all dimensions, adding to the collection naturally. It is a time of excitement, energy, electricity, power, and evolution. The Void Energy in this time vibrates at such an oscillation that things such as ultrasound equipment are entirely sent haywire, and it generates such a searing heat that many wear the coolest clothing they have, while those who love the heat bask within it. It is this heat and vibration and power that causes the doors to Riftaria to begin burning with a searing flame that draws in anyone within their vicinity willing to brave the heat and energy from it during this season.


Total Hours: 1,027


Total Hours: 987


Total Hours: 795