W4nd3r3r: well if you're reading this, it's my fucking story. don't like it? go fuck yourself. jump off a bridge for all i care.
this story is only for those that truly wanna fucking listen.
you want the story of a prince of hell?
here it is
here's how i look
I suppose i should do all that species and details and shit too, so to start, i'm a Demon.
as for my age, i'm just Endless, i'm an Immortal after all, so, kinda doesn't matter.
my birthday is Underworld Year 396BC, Season Shamara, hour 7,843. not that that much matters.
i found my way to Riftaria after Zilim, my best friend, managed to get their hands on this weird ass special compass that leads you to a door to Riftaria. they gave it to me for my 7,181st birthday.
here is where i guess you can click the buttons to check out sections of my life, wherever and whenever the fuck they may be. that's your choice. just remember it's my life, and if you don't like how i've lived it, you can fuck off like the controlling little cunt you are.
now, if you're curious, go ahead, click a button.